Welcome to Afelthyr


In an age long past the great ruby dragon Afelthyr was exiled from her draconic clan and forced to roam the astral sea for the remainder of her life. In her sorrow, she began to sing a song of lament, and thus the world of Afelthyr was born. Her very breath sang the planet into existence. She created the 5 core races of the world and determined a representative from each race to become the gods. Afelthyr and the gods ruled over the world for a thousand years until Afelthyr's time finally came to an end. As she breathed her last, her song ceased and darkness fell over the land for a thousand years. During this time of darkness, Afelthyr's brother Skadvalos, the amethyst dragon, began to sing his song over the planet giving birth to many monsters, opening portals to Hell, The Abyss, and Abadon. During this time many new gods were created by Skadvalos as well as many monstrous races. The scars from this time still last along the land of Afelthyr.


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