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The Spirit of Fire - Book 1

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Series summary
  The Seer of The Maker has spoken, the fate of The Allied Kingdoms of Stogh is sealed by their negligence. But deliverance shall come to the faithful by way of flame.
  It's been fifteen years since this proclamation. For almost nine, the forces of KrundĂ­l have ravaged the lands, destroying many of the human kingdoms in their wake. Those that remain are beginning to wonder at the nature of this deliverance as they reach their final hours. Unknown to them, a trio marked with power are coming together on the other side of the continent, among whom is the illusive ukitu rumored to be the Spirit of Fire.
  Will this ukitu be able to overcome themselves as they navigate a world that stands against them?
  Choose your tale in this long-form story and see the difference as The Spirit of Fire fights their inner demons and overcomes those that would destroy humanity. Decide for yourself their fate. Will they become Man, Myth, or Monster?
  Book 1
  Since the destruction of Erith, the town he had called home, Spirit of the Earth Djurle Iranu has been searching the war torn kingdoms for the elusive Spirit of Fire, the child of his close friend. He now makes his way to Thruf in the hopes that they escaped safely. Can he find the Spirit of Fire, or will this escapade be another wild goose chase?