Visiting Hours

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Eira and Galilahi approached the doors of the garrison at about the fourth hour. Before they could enter, Galilahi grabbed Eira's arm and stopped.

"Do you really think we need to open up a prison outreach too?" Galilahi asked. "There's thousands of refugees out in that camp that need help, we're only scratching the surface of who's out there. We don't have-"

"You're thinking too small. If we can find out what's causing them to become so aggressive, we can meet the refugees needs more directly AND prevent criminals from becoming criminals in the first place. It makes the guard's job easier, and makes us more efficient. Two for one!"

"We know why already Chamile, they're out of food and desperately running from war."

"That's why we think they're doing it, and I think it doesn't hurt to see if there's more to their story. We might find some other common connections we haven't seen before."

And more importantly, it'll give me the chance to speak to Kish.

Galilahi crossed her arms as she considered Eira's words, the shoulders of her padded vest popped up as she did.

"I still think our focus should be on the camp... but if you think it'll help, I'm willing to try."

"That's the Gali I know!"

Eira turned back to the door and went inside beaming, Galilahi close behind. 

She entered into the main lobby as about eight guards came towards her through a set of double-doors leading out to what appeared to be a courtyard opposite the main entrance. Left of her was a desk situated behind a bronze barred wall, something Eira hoped was unique to this room, and sitting at it was another guard in the same standard lamellar, his helmet sitting at the corner of the desk he sat at.

He looked up at the two women as they entered and said, "How can I help you today?"

You can let my teammate go, maybe make this easy for me.

Shut up me, play nice for now. Remember, BIG smile.

"Hi! I'm Chamile Fern, founder of the giving cart outreach, this is my team lead Galilahi."

Galilahi waved. The guardsman grinned and nodded to her as they both made their way to the desk

Eira continued, "we're looking to expand our outreach to include those who've been put in prison."

The guardsman's brow furrowed in confusion.

"Why? Do you know someone who's been jailed recently?"

"Nope," Eira lied.

"Then I don't see why you should care. They're criminals receiving just punishment, as The Maker intended."

"The Maker also values mercy," Galilahi countered, "and there's no better opportunity to show mercy than to go to the prisons and teach them a better way. After all, they'll never become functioning citizens if nobody shows them what that means."

Eira admired how quickly Galilahi was able to switch to her saleswoman persona, but she found it difficult to not cringe at the mention of The Maker. Religion was, to Eira, only necessary to trick the more gullible into helping her on her missions, and how anyone could take such mysticism seriously baffled her.

She couldn't deny it's effectiveness, however.

The guard sighed. "What will this outreach entail?"

Eira and Galilahi took turns talking about ideas. Interviews, supervised group meetings, food delivery, and many other things designed to improve the quality of life of the prisoners.

When they were discussing why food might be a problem, Galilahi caught the attention of the guard that had arrested Kish, and she spoke with him before he passed by. With him were three others that Eira didn't recognize. Eira ignored their small talk until-

"Chamile! I want to introduce you to someone!"

*&!^ it I'm trying to- ugh, fine. Whatever. Big smiles. Biiig smiles.

Eira stepped away from the desk.

"Teco, this is Chamile. Chamile, this is Tecovis, the one I told you about the other day."

"We've met," Tecovis said. Eira noticed that his beard, which looked red yesterday seemed to look brown today. She supposed it was the lighting. 

"Really? You didn't tell me that Chamile, it would have been nice to know."

Eira shook her head and laughed.

I can't believe Kish got caught by Galilahi's friend. How can a world so big feel so small?

Her laughter only got worse when she remembered, "Wait, you're the one who ran from the lamp?"

Two of the other three guards began to snicker too as the red bearded guardsman blanched.


"What? You two have a lot in common and she needs friends outside of the outreach."

"That doesn't mean you have to give out every embarrassing detail of my life!"

"Sorry, I was trying to comfort her!"

Now it was Eira's turn to blanch.


"Oh, don't act like you're above needing some help every once in a while."

"I'm not saying that, but have a reputation to think of!"

Tecovis shook his head. "Looks like we can add 'mad at Gali' to our list of things in common."

"I guess we can!"

One of the guards, a heavy framed man, tapped Tecovis's shoulder. "Hey, bossman?"

He gave the guardsman a subtle acknowledgement, then said "Sorry to cut this short but we're late to an important meeting. Maker's blessing on you two."

The four guardsmen gave a salute before walking out the door.

Eira and Galilahi turned back to the secretary guardsman who pretended to look busy while stifling his own giggles. He cleared his throat as they stepped back to the desk and they continued discussing details of the outreach.

Eventually on opportunity arose, and Eira said, "-of course, we would need to see how many prisoners there are so we know how much to bring. Is there any chance we could get a tour of the facility?"

The guardsman, who called himself Corporal Heik, sharply inhaled through his teeth, then said, "I'm not at liberty to give tours of the barracks, especially not to foreigners. No offense to you, Ms. Fern."

"Oh, no I understand. You can't run the risk that you're showing a spy a tactically important location like this."

Galilahi's face crunched at the suggestion. "You're not a spy though."

"I could be Gali, how is he supposed to know that?"

"Why would a spy start an outreach, Chamile?"

"I could think of a few reasons," said the Corporal.

Eira gave a single nod, "And I'm sure they'd all be plausible. So, no grand tour. Can we at least visit the cells?"


"Do you let families visit the prisoners?"

The Corporal nodded.

"And I assume you let their advocates see them too, right?"

"We do," he agreed.

"Then I don't see why we can't. We are here during visiting hours, right?"

The Corporal bit his lip and crossed his arms. After a brief moment, the Corporal turned his head to one of the side hallways to the right of  the courtyard doors and whistled loud enough to make both women wince. Five seconds later, two guards, one male, one female, both much younger than the Corporal, came around the corner, spears in hand. They stood before the three and gave a salute, identical to the ones given before.

"Highguard Shakai, take these women to the cells, they're looking to begin a prison outreach and need to see how many prisoners we have."

"Yes, sir!" The guardsman nodded to the two women and turned around towards the hall they just came from and beckoned them to follow.

"Highguard Mieumi, find Commander Lions, he'll want to discuss the details with them."

"Yes, sir!"

Eira watched the guardswoman as she went down another side hall across from where she was going for as long as she could without drawing suspicion. When she could no longer see her, Eira took in her surroundings. The walls to her left had shuttered windows that were open, each held by braces that kept them in place. They seemed well suited to prevent rain from coming in, even when open. They also looked as if they made a lot of noise if one was to carelessly crawl through one.

They came to a reinforced door at the end of the hall, and went inside a room possessing a desk that was occupied by another guardsman filling out paperwork, an empty wooden table with matching chairs, and a number of bronze chests. 

Highguard Shakai stopped them next to the chests and said, "no personal effects are allowed beyond this point. Please empty all your pockets, you may leave your things in this chest and you may retrieve them once we leave. Once you have done that, you will be patted down to ensure you have no additional weapons or contraband. Do you understand?"

Both Eira and Galilahi agreed, though Galilahi requested that the patdown be done by a woman, which the Highguard granted.

Once they were cleared, the highguard led them through another reinforced door and down a flight of steps into a stone bricked hallway that reeked of urine and mildew. Lining the walls of the hallway were a dozen cells, each with thick bronze bars set into the stone and a well crafted door made from the same. On each cell door was a complex looking lock, far more complex than anything else in the city.

&$^* me it had to be bronze too... It would take an hour just to figure out how that worked. 

In the third nearest cell on the right stood Kish shackled to the wall with a chain just long enough to get within a cubit of the door. His face seemed to morph as she looked at him, but across all variants, his temple was bruised and swollen almost to the point of shutting the left eye. 

He quickly averted his gaze and pretended to be disinterested. 

Eira looked at the guard and put on her curious voice, asking "what kind of ukitu is he? I've never seen one like him."

"Dunno, don't care. He's a thief, and that's all he'll ever be to me."

"Will you let me speak with him for a bit while you take her to count the cells?"

The guardsman hesitated before Galilahi said, "I don't see why not."

"You shouldn't be left alone in here, these people are all dangerous."

"I'll stay right here, away from the bars. Are you worried I somehow smuggled a lockpick in here? You already know I don't have anything I could give them. I'll be fine, this is too rare an opportunity to pass up."

The guardsman looked at Kish, who stared back grumpily. 

Galilahi rolled her eyes, "Highguard, I'm warning you, she'll wear you out before we even make it to the end of the hall if you don't let her. Just saying, you should learn from my mistakes."

He scowled. "Fine. But be quick, we'll be right back."

Eira smiled innocently as they both turned around. After they were a few paces away, Eira whispered angrily, "A waterskin! Really!?"

He whispered back, "It was the fastest way in the city! You missed check in and Fusil was furious because of some magician, 'e was seconds from killing me!"


"So you send yourself to prison to get to me!? How did you expect to get out!? You're lucky I was passing by when they were taking you in!"

"I didn't think 'e'd kn-"

"That's right, you didn't think. Idiot!"

Kish's face contorted with frustration as Eira turned herself to keep an eye on the retreating pair.

He must be talking about... no... no it's not the living ancestor... *&@$ it, nobody except the living ancestor could possibly make Fusil upset enough to risk Kish.

He quickly shook his head and stared her down, his voice hissing as he tried to keep his emotions in check.

"We don't 'ave time for this. Eira, Fusil needs you to report back to the cave immediately, that magician or whatever 'e is freaked 'im out something fierce. Leave me 'ere, I'll figure my own way out."

"Not happening. I may not be able to make the &#*^ bronze cold enough to shatter, but that doesn't mean-"


"-No! Fusil can (@*& himself if he thinks I'm gonna let you rot in here. I'll be-"

Galilahi and Highguard Shakai both turned back to face them as they'd reached the end of the hall. Eira immediately reassembled her composure and smiled at Kish before continuing.

"-be very interested in hearing more about your father, but sadly I can't stay long. I've got a busy day planned.

Kish glanced towards the edge of the cell and sighed before leaning against the rough wall and sliding to the floor. He gave one last look to Eira and mouthed, "I'll be fine."

Eira put her hands behind her back, forcing an air of innocent formality about herself.

"Maybe if the guards are kind, I'll bring you a slice of pecan pie when our outreach returns. I promise, it's to die for."

She looked back to Galilahi and asked, "How many?"

"There's about thirty."

"That seems a little small for a prison."

The Highguard interjected, "This is more of a holding area. We keep them until he goes before the Buruzagi for judgment."

"Oh really? When will the next hearing be?"

"Two weeks. The Buruzagi is a busy man."

The Highguard began herding the two women out as they continued their conversation 

I'll come up with something Kish. Don't you worry.

When they exited the top of the stairs into the office area, Highguard Mieumi walked in the door opposite them, with her was a wavy haired man with piercing blue eyes.

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