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Eira crawled out of the cave into the morning sunlight, her dark eyes squinting at the brightness. She combed her hair with her fingers, trying to get the knots out as it hung haggard and loose from her shoulders. She didn't care that her knees were hurting, or that her feet were sore. She needed real air.

Kalam's words echoed in her ears.

I'm not about to let eight months of work go to waste.

She walked to the trunk of the oak tree that Calix had grown to cover the cave entrance. It stood beautifully, towering over her with a hundred shades of green to admire. The bark was rough and thick, and a small heart shaped knot poked out of the side near eye level. She plucked one leaf and examined it. It's webbed veins intricately woven together in a pattern that no seamstress could replicate. Though similar to any other leaf she could have picked, she knew that there would never be another one exactly like it for the rest of eternity. 

We have a good system Eira!

Picking a random direction, Eira began to walk, twirling the leaf between her fingers as she went. Each step in the grass a refreshing breath. Each breath a reminder that half her team no longer could.

Then we'll kill them.

"(@&!^... Kalam... do you even hear yourself?"

She walked for half an hour, the hilly plains rolling on into the distance. Plains beasts who's name Eira never learned wondered, grazing in a herd of at least fifty strong.

"It's not right... we're supposed to conscript, not..."

At the top of one of the hills, she saw a slope that looked perfect for a rest. Ice formed at the base of the grass. Eira kicked the blades away to make a clearing before laying down, and situated herself in the center of the frosty ring.

"Ancestors... what do I do?"

We leave at dusk in two days. 

Fusil...  *@^!%... I can't stay knowing I might have to face a living ancestor, they're... they're the reason we exist. They're the reason we fight, we can't dishonor them by murdering innocent ukitu. It goes against everything we believe. I can't let Kalam's fanaticism corrupt our purpose.   

I've got the day to get my stuff packed. I can't be seen in this armor, so I'll steal some clothes from one of the farms. Then I'll need to tell Galilahi... what do I tell her? Maybe... I got a letter from my brother and need to go meet him... yeah... yeah that should work. She can tell the Giving Cart and they can keep it going.

Im gonna miss this place.

"Ancestors, did I really just think that? Ugh, I've been here too long."

Eira's eyes grew heavy as she planned on how to tie up the many loose ends that she-


A wall of ice instantly formed to protect her from the sudden debris that came flying overhead. She rolled out from under it when it went silent and bolted to the top of the hill. Sitting in a heap of sticks and splinters was an oak tree, roots bound in a clump of earth, leaves raining down from the sky. Nervously, she approached the tree.

In it's trunk was a heart shaped knot.

Eira's heart dropped. Her eyes darted towards the entrance of the huntsmen's hideout and saw bronze flashes filing into where the tree used to be.

Eira swore every third step while sprinting as fast as her legs could carry her.

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